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Format | Data | TÃtol | Autor |
Format | Data | TÃtol | Autor |
24 juliol 2018 |
Reduced density matrices: development and chemical applications |
RodrÃguez Mayorga, Mauricio
20 abril 2018 |
Rhodium-catalysed [2+2+2] cycloaddition reactions for the preparation of highly functionalised cyclic compounds |
Cassú PonsatÃ, Daniel
2 desembre 2022 |
Roadmap for scaling up thermophilic CO2 bioreduction to acetate : shedding light on using surplus renewable energy and industrial off gases |
Rovira Alsina, Laura
Siloxane removal in the energy recovery of biogas: sequential adsorption/oxidation processes |
Cabrera-Codony, Alba
27 juliol 2016 |
Siloxane removal in the energy recovery of biogas: sequential adsorption/oxidation processes |
Cabrera-Codony, Alba
30 setembre 2003 |
Single and multiple addition to C60. A computational chemistry study |
Cases Amat, Montserrat
Single and multiple addition to C60. A computational chemistry study |
Cases Amat, Montserrat
19 desembre 2008 |
SÃntesi i Reactivitat de nous Macrocicles Nitrogenats Poliinsaturats |
González Molina, Iván
SÃntesi i Reactivitat de nous Macrocicles Nitrogenats Poliinsaturats |
González Molina, Iván
13 desembre 2013 |
Structure and hydrogen dynamic behavior in proton sponge cations and organometallic complexes |
Horbatenko, Yevhen
Structure and hydrogen dynamic behavior in proton sponge cations and organometallic complexes |
Horbatenko, Yevhen
29 maig 2015 |
Structure and reactivity of endohedral (metallo)fullerenes |
Garcia Borrà s, Marc
Structure and reactivity of endohedral (metallo)fullerenes |
Garcia Borrà s, Marc
23 juliol 2020 |
Supramolecular nanocapsules as platforms for molecular recognition and reactivity in confined spaces |
Fuertes Espinosa, Carles
20 novembre 2018 |
Synthèse, caractérisation et application des alliages à base de Mn-X-Y (X=Al; Y=Fe,Co) et Ca-Al dans la dégradation d’un colorant azoïque "Black 5" utilisé dans l’industrie de textile |
Ben Mbarek, Wael
Synthesis and evaluation of cyclic cationic peptides as antimicrobial agents for use in plant protection |
Monroc, Sylvie
18 gener 2008 |
Synthesis and evaluation of cyclic cationic peptides as antimicrobial agents for use in plant protection |
Monroc, Sylvie
29 abril 2019 |
Taking advantage of autotrophic nitrogen removal: potassium and phosphorus recovery from municipal wastewater |
Johansson, Sara
9 juliol 2015 |
Technologies to determine quality parameters and the effect of high pressure processing on dry-cured ham |
Rubio Celorio, Marc
Technologies to determine quality parameters and the effect of high pressure processing on dry-cured ham |
Rubio Celorio, Marc
26 març 2010 |
Theoretical studies of the exohedral reactivity of fullerene compounds |
Osuna Oliveras, SÃlvia
Theoretical studies of the exohedral reactivity of fullerene compounds |
Osuna Oliveras, SÃlvia
26 febrer 2009 |
Theoretical study of reactivity and dynamics of hybride-bridged diruthenium complexes and silylium |
Tussupbayev, Samat
Theoretical study of reactivity and dynamics of hybride-bridged diruthenium complexes and silylium |
Tussupbayev, Samat
20 juliol 2016 |
Theoretical study of water oxidation and reduction mechanisms by aminopyridine first row transition metal catalysts |
Acuña-Parés, Ferran